Wednesday, October 21, 2009

TBOU Election Update - Ed Watt bails out on TWU Local 100 by Israel Rivera Jr

Local 100 Secretary Treasurer Ed Watt bails out on United Invincible and the members of TWU Local 100. As the most bizarre and controversial election in the history of TWU Local 100 heads into the home stretch .

Ed Watt goes and takes a full time paid position at TWU international of America just as president Toussaint did in November 2008. Seems his new position was to be brought up before an upcoming International Executive Board meeting. Details of the $160,000 a year position may have been leaked out by Mr. Watt himself. This is a major blow to the United Invincible slate. Sure sign of a fracture as Mr. Watt is Curtis Tates number two man. A sign that United Invincible's top people believe the current Local 100 election is unwinable? Local 100 President Roger Toussaint has already secured himself a position at TWU of America.Many Local 100 officers and UI candidates are already at the TWU of America, leaving most of their supporters to wonder about their own fate as the ballot count approaches later this year.

"Watt's departure from Local 100 is a sure sign that his Toussaint-supported United Invincible slate has lost the election,"

"There will be new leadership at [the] local come January 1." ... John Samuelsen,

Smack in the middle of a contract fight, United Invincible shows their true colors. They turn tail and run to the safety of TWU of America!
Begging Internationl Pres. James Little for protection from the on slaught of Take Back Our Union (TBOU). Israel Rivera Jr, for news story click on link below and for all your TWU Election news always visit


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